TrendMax brings market updates to our clients using various methods. We prefer personal contact but many times you are busy and want to discuss later when you have more time. This is why we also use email and text messaging. Emails are generally reports that give in-depth analysis of various commodity markets. They explain what factors are influencing prices today and predict what may happen in the future. We also provide a bi-weekly (one page) summary that shows expected price direction and why. Text messages are smaller summaries of reports or independent thoughts used to keep you up-to-date with sales and prices.
We keep you informed as to what factors are influencing each grain/oilseed/pulse market. We monitor domestic and global supply/demand, weather, politics and more. We then advise you of what it will take to change each markets price direction. Tie that in with your cash flow and movement requirements to assess your individual short and long term risks. Now you’re informed to make a better marketing decision. And YES….we make sales recommendations based on your individual needs.
Click here for an example of our bi-weekly market update.